Read Fanon's Chapter, "An Unscheduled Blowjob" this month, too!

Fanon:  I wrote my autobiography in two parts: "Ride The Donkey" (Birth to eighteen) and "Blowjob" (Life as a COP). The title 'Blowjob' is the term used if the assignment was to 'take out' a particular enemy. (It's also a term for 'whistle-blowing.') They are written as 'FACTION' (Fact/Fiction), to protect innocents and honour 'Official Secrets Acts." Both are raw truth and shocking. "Blowjob" reveals the true violence perpetrated by 'Special Forces' of several Countries. They include explicit sexual and torture incidents and assassination, so are not suitable for other than a very adult readership.  Read more about Fanon's amazing life along with his interview for LSS.

A Day To Remember!
(Excerpt from "Blowjobs" - Life as a covert operator)

(Abridged extract from ‘Blowjobs’, a novel submitted for publication.)

As you know, the USA currently rates very low in the esteem of the majority of the rest of the world. Most everyone other than Americans understands the reason for this.

To me, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Average American’ are honest, but gullible people. (I think of them as naïve children that never quite grow up.) I certainly found they could be conned and manipulated as easily as a virgin fresh out of convent school.

So what’s with my title ‘A DAY TO REMEMBER’? – Judge for your selves:

We all remember certain days for various reasons. I remember my wedding day: Though it was fifty plus years ago it is indelibly imprinted in my memory. Most oldies remember the start of “World War II”, and “D-day” - the 6th of June 1944. However, how many of you recall perhaps the most important day in world history? Or are even aware it existed?

Several friends have suggested I write a bit more on here about my life as a covert operator. To reveal all would see me at best ensconced in Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay. I could tell you a bit about conditions and what goes on there too, but US citizens would not believe me, and the rest of you probably have a good idea anyway. There are some things that Americans in particular should know though…

I kept diaries of most jaunts I was involved in. Not the sort that goes “Monday 17th. Got up early. Raining heavily. Went to see ‘Gone with the wind’ with Mazy. Had nooky afterwards…” Rather, they consisted of key cryptics, which made sense to me alone. I was flicking through this morning, as June important to some, and recalled another June day in 1967. The entry for June 12th 1967 reads:

”Busy week. Left Hillary to see Alex. Lots of traffic. Sam gave bell to almond-eyes. Found Mk 14. Aunty Russ caught flight. No mushrooms on menu. Took RR in Nikki.”

So – what does that convey? The ‘No mushrooms’ will become obvious, and following the jaunt I took a holiday in Nikki (Nicosia Cyprus).

I guess most of you think that the ‘Cuba Crisis’ was the nearest we came to nuclear war eh? Surprise, surprise – those few cryptic comments convey that “World War III” was averted with seven minutes to spare – thanks to Anglo-Russian intervention.

For those not too versed in history, June 5th to 10th 1967 was the period of the Arab – Israeli “Six Day War.” I need to briefly make you au fait with what was going on behind the scenes just prior, and during that period:

Israel had had a gut-full of Arab terrorism, and the Arab world was more than peed off with the Jews. The USA wanted to take out Russia. The UK wanted to keep the fragile status quo, as any peace is better than no peace.

The Arab nations had a summit at which they agreed to a concerted attack on Israel to wipe the State off the map. Israel, wanted the backing of the USA in making a pre-emptive attack on the Arab Middle East. The USA elections were looming.

As the Arabs amassed their forces, an Israeli ‘bossman’ flew to the USA to get President LBJ’s backing. Much as the USA wanted to assist, they could not do so without incurring the wrath of their own people, and Russia and the UK in particular - and there was the coming election to consider.

My ‘Left Hillary’ refers to Sir Edmund and Mt. Everest. (I was up in the Himalayas doing covert checking on Chinese military action in the area around Tibet.) - and the fact that I was called back from the jaunt to ‘Alex’ (Alexandria), to co-ordinate the assessment of the Middle East situation. (I was used as I had extensive knowledge of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria – and had worked as a double agent for the Israelis.)

The reference to ‘lots of traffic’ was the amount of intelligence we were picking up from radio and telephonic communications between Arab States, and between Israeli-USA contacts.

The ‘Sam gave bell to almond-eyes’ refers to ‘Uncle Sam’ sacrificing the ‘Liberty’ (bell) – a US Navy unarmed ship “LIBERTY” (Actually a ship bristling with equipment to spy on friend and foe alike) - that had been despatched to sit off-shore of the Gaza Strip, to do the same monitoring we were doing – or so the Captain thought!

‘Almond-eyes’ refers to ‘Operation Cyanide’ – (Almonds – cyanide!) the plot hatched by ‘Mk14’ (Mk 14 rifle of .303 calibre). ‘303’ was/is the secret US committee which decides military policy – particularly in ensuring the President is not called to account for any actions that may go wrong, but collects the kudos if the operations are successful.

‘Found Mk14’ meant we had sussed out and locked on to their communications channels.

So what was this ‘Operation Cyanide’? It was a scheme ‘303’ cooked up whereby the USA could legitimately back Israel in attacking the Arabs without incurring the wrath of Europe-Russia-China. The plan was for the USA to do a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia immediately afterwards.

How did ‘303’ intend to achieve this? The key was ‘Operation Cyanide’ - that was to sacrifice the LIBERTY. The intent was for Israeli aircraft to attack the unarmed ship with unmarked aircraft, and take out its communications on the first strike, then sink it with all hands.

With no evidence other than the fact that it had been sunk in view of the shore, it would be assumed -and corroborated - that Egyptian warplanes had sunk it. (Obviously, the friendly Israeli’s would not attack a ship flying the American flag!)

This unprovoked attack on an American unarmed ship would legitimise the USA entering the war. The Arab oil would become the property of Israel and the USA. The massing of American ships in the area would be accepted, and Russia could be clobbered without time for retaliation. China would present no threat, and the USA – or the ‘303 committee’ – could rule the world.

In fact the US had already placed their 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, and keeping an eye on things, a nuclear submarine was stationed just off the strip with orders to sink the LIBERTY if the Israeli’s had any problems.

It’s now history that three Israeli mirage jets initially attacked the Liberty, and that back-up sorties bombed/torpedoed her. (No explanation of why they had no markings – or why those responsible were never brought to book – has ever been given.)

Those pilots were not to blame. They carried out orders only after questioning repeatedly over the air confirming it was a US ship. From memory, six sailors lost their lives on that first sortie to cripple the ship’s communications. When the next sorties arrived, again, only after heated debate between pilots and ground headquarters did they attack.

Four separate torpedo attacks were launched, but only the final one hit the target. The crew death toll rose to thirty-four men. The amount of radio traffic was almost impossible to keep up with. We did hear LIBERTY get off a low-power SOS signal requesting assistance. We heard the response from the 6th Fleet some five hundred and twelve miles west of LIBERTY.

Despite urgent requests, the fleet were not allowed to send the stricken ship help. Those orders came directly from Washington. We picked up a signal from the Fleet Commander stating that three strike aircraft were standing ‘air ready’. (That meant they were carrying nuclear weapons.)

Now you can guess Frankie boy was not particularly looking forward to getting a dose of anything! – least of all radiation – whilst in the area. As usual, self-preservation was my top priority. Room 47 (My Headquarters) was informed – top priority.

Whilst in contact with HQ, we picked up a series of airborne exchanges and realised that ‘303’ had ordered despatch of the three ‘air ready’ planes directly to Cairo. That meant there was less than an hour to the use of nuclear weapons on Egypt!

This was a time when awaiting the outcome of politicians, ‘303’, and a President having a natter was no longer a feasible proposition. I set up a three-way between my Kenya controller and a compatriot working as a double agent senior officer with Speznaz (Russian SAS).

It took eighteen clammy minutes to get the urgency of the situation to the Kremlin’s top brass, and convince them that the proverbial would hit the fan in Cairo in just a few minutes – and Russia would be next.

In the fullness of time details of the ensuing conversation between LBJ and his Russian counterpart will see the light of day. Suffice to say that all Russian nuclear missiles were primed and pointed, and that the first mushroom in Egypt would be the signal for launch.

We picked up the instructions direct from the US Navy bossman to abort the attack and return to base. The heated discussion between the 6th Fleet commander and his boss was suddenly cut short as the President’s voice identified him. He personally ordered the planes back immediately.


LIBERTY, though crippled badly, did not sink,. The un-named US submarine commander defied orders to sink it, together with his kinsmen. The ship’s crew were unable to use the life rafts: Israeli gunboats – following instructions to make sure there were no survivors to tell the story - shot up the ones that had been launched, in case they contained survivors.

Obviously the foregoing is pure make-up and imagination, isn’t it? – Most Americans will believe that – just as they swallowed the supposed ‘surprise’ attack on Pearl Harbour. Churchill himself informed Truman seventy hours before the attack that it was taking place. (The UK had a German spy in the Japanese High Command working as a double agent for Britain. He informed MI6 four days before the attack.)

Churchill apparently debated informing the US – knowing it would bring them into the war – but informed Truman. The decision was made to ensure the least expendable of the Eastern fleet was clear of the area, and the rest sacrificed to ensure the US citizens backed the Military in going to war on the side of Britain and her allies.

When those three planes returned to their carrier, orders were requested to re-equip them with conventional arms and return to Cairo. That was denied.MI6 informed the CIA that the Arab threat no longer existed. To confirm this, before taking further action, three USAF planes were hurriedly painted with Israeli markings and despatched to assess damage. (Israel had no reconnaissance planes at the time, and the USA did not want to be seen to be interfering.) That virtually the whole Arab air force had been caught cold in Egypt and Jordan was confirmed within hours - As was the success of Israeli ground troops.

‘303’ presumably figured it best to drop ‘Acid Drop’ – the attack on Russia - and attempt to cover up ‘Operation Cyanide’ as far as possible. Israel helped by confirming that they’d inadvertently attacked the LIBERTY, which was not flying the American flag. (A blatant lie never challenged at the time by any senior US official!)

Next time you watch an espionage film, try visualising what being a ‘spy’ is really like, and what a callous and uncompromising set of amoral leaders they serve. War and politics are dirty things. They attract the scum of the earth. The Western powers are no worse than Russians, Chinese, Indians or Arabs, but – sadly - no better…

Ask yourself “Would Israel REALLY attack an American Navy ship, flying American flags, in international waters WITHOUT the full knowledge and collaboration of VERY SENIOR USA personnel?”

You can read the Official US explanations, and the brave crew’s stories on” You’ve read my version: – Fact, or fiction! – You decide.

“Truth is oft stranger than fiction – but harder to accept.”

Contact Fanon.