a Women Writer's' Showcase
by Katherine Flower

The clocks steady ticking reminded me of the nights we would stay up for hours talking, giggling, and planning for how wonderful things would be. Dawn always came, even if we never actually slept. The suns streaming hues of pink, violet, and amber rising up above the horizon were merely gentle reminders that the workday would soon take us away from each other.

Work was a necessity that didn’t pay high dividends; it served only to keep us apart. We yearned for the time to pass quickly. Then evening rolled around and thankfully we found comfort in each other’s arms. We were hungry back then. But our hunger didn’t affect us, nor did the lack of sleep for that matter. Each moonbeam carried its own special hope, each star a new promise of forever devotion.

When did it all start to change, I wondered. Was it me, or was it you? I guess in the end it doesn’t really matter. Silver clouds absorbed the moonbeams and captivated the stars until there was nothing left for us to pin our hopes on. We both strayed and betrayed each other. All that is left now are some words on a piece of paper. My eyes are swollen, my throat parched, my body is painfully numb. And still all I hear is the clocks steady ticking.

Katherine Flower has an Associates degree in Architecture and has written several technical articles for a national trade magazine  in commercial doors and hardware. She has recently started writing fiction. She is an avid sports fan and has been a youth sports coach for 13 years. She lives in Vermont and is single. Contact Katie.