(Humorosity #44)
By Honeydew Zubari


Ah, October.  For many of you it means all those cliché things like a break in the heat and humidity of summer.  Or leaves turning beautiful colors.  Or pumpkins and Halloween and chocolate galore.

I view October through SAD* eyes.  For me, the break in the weather means going around shivering like a Chihuahua.  The leaves may be beautiful, but it’s their swan song and only lasts a week before they turn brown and fall off the trees, d-e-a-d.  Pumpkins in October mean pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so no complaints there.  None for the chocolate, either.  But don’t get me started on the “Trick-or-Treat” brats.  Bah, humbug.

So, totaling it up, the balance is against autumn.

A so-called friend suggested I get a UV light to help combat the depression.  What, is she trying to kill me?  Don’t I hear all summer, UV rays cause cancer, blah, yadda…?  And now she’s telling me to put one over my bed and shine it on my fair skin all night long?  Bad enough I have to wear what amounts to an astronaut’s suit during the day, if I want to venture outdoors; now I have to wear it to sleep too?  Those helmets are darned uncomfortable!  And you think pillow hair is bad, try waking up with a dome head!

Do I ever get a break from worry?  There I slumber under the Gro-light, dreaming of malignant tumors sprouting on my face, only to have a heart attack in the morning when I wake up and feel my nose.

And secondly…

Annual notice:

It’s getting close to Nanowrimo time again, folks!  I’m signing up, are you? 

A sworn statement from an actual four-time contest winner:

“This will be my fourth year doing the contest, and already I have two completed novels that are in the final stages of editing, and are almost ready to get mailed out to publishers.”
-H. Z., a NANOWRIMO contestant & four-time winner

See?  If H. Z. can do it, anyone can.  (And I know H. Z.  Believe me, she’s no brainiac.  And she has even less imagination.  And she’s a slob.  Well, that last was just meanness on my part—but the first two are true.)  This too, can be any of you willing to join the madness for a month!  A mere thirty days of insanity and too much caffeine, and at the end you have a book of your very own devising.  Look at it this way:  it’s quicker and nearly less painless than having a baby.  Who can argue with that?  No one!  So put on your typing gloves and get to www.nanowrimo.org right now to learn all about what you need to learn about.  Good luck and happy writing! 


Watch for my NANO journal in this spot next month.

©2007, Susan “crazy mad fingers” Scott

*SAD- “Sad,” you dummies!  Look it up in the dictionary if you’re still confused.