
All countries have their Special Forces. The harsh truth is ‘All work outside international law if it's deemed necessary.’ Torture and unlawful killing is oft part-and-parcel of the job.

Below the surface of this cesspool of intrigue, lays a denser soup of covert groups and operatives. At the bottom is a layer of impenetrable 'silt' comprised of personnel specialising in carrying out tasks other departments cannot be privy to - COD's (Cover-ups, and 'Disposals'): Blowjobs, (Killings), are their speciality.

Some are controlled by leaders with their country's welfare at heart. Most are controlled by unscrupulous Industrial Moguls, consumed by the pursuit of money and power, some by religious fanatics. Typically - as with the CIA - drugs and illegal arms deals often provide secret finances.

‘Blowjobs’ tells how I descended into this cesspool of intrigue, and relates a few samples of the operations carried out. Few will believe it - truth is so often stranger than fiction. Official Secrets Acts ensure it can only ever be published as fiction anyway.

Another Day To Remember
(Excerpt from "Blowjobs" - Life as a covert operator)

My last ‘day to remember’ concerned the “USS LIBERTY” incident. This one concerns something more prominent in the minds of many throughout the world. Since “9/11” the spread of similar things has concerned Americans in particular.

Having gotten at least some readers in the frame of mind to accept that all is not always as it seems, I will enlighten you a little more. You may not be ready for the truth about ‘Hangar 52’ and the ‘Secret Twelve’, just yet, so I will help you on your journey to acceptance by introducing another subject… but please don’t think I’m anti-American because I spill the beans about them. During operations I learned much evil about most countries. In writing my memoirs no person or country is sacrosanct when it comes to my telling home-truths….

As a covert operator one meets – and oft-times sleeps – with strange bedfellows of necessity. Sleeping with fellows has ever been repugnant to me; I always avoided it in the biblical sense. Others delight in the practice – but it can have its consequences….

I was reminded of this when recalling another jaunt I was despatched on to “Suss out what is afoot in the USA regarding germ warfare experiments.” To that end I hastened to the vicinity of Fort Detrick in Maryland. (A fellow COP working in Russia had gleaned evidence pointing to the fact that the AIDS virus had been engineered there.)

With my good looks, and apparent personal charm – and being well- endowed in the right place - it took but days to elicit that the information was reliable. . (Plain-Janes, and some downright ugly female employees at Ft. Detrick responded eagerly to my advances. They talked freely whilst being treated like ladies, and kept well fed both in bed and out). I also gained other valuable relevant information.

The circulated scientific explanation for the AIDS virus is that an infected monkey chomped the backside of a promiscuous native, so infecting him. He in turn was accommodated by a local lady of easy virtue: She – having been infected - passed it on to a randy bank manager. He generously passed it on to his wife and a couple or three other willing wenches. Lo and behold, in a matter of months more than 70,000,000 were infected throughout Africa, the USA, and Brazil in particular.

This explanation – in plain English – is a load of rubbish.

The AIDS’ virus’s natural doubling rate is about one year. If it had started as stated, and progressed by normal sexual relations of any type, it would have taken twenty years or more to infect the first million.

Note also that laboratory experiments proved that injecting the virus into a monkey had no effect; the monkey was unable to even infect other monkeys – never mind humans!

Viruses are interesting things. It seems that Mother Nature has an inbuilt safeguard, which makes a particular virus effective to a particular to species, but not naturally prone to cross-species jumps - thereby ensuring any one virus (or its mutations) will not wipe out all life-forms.

An example of this is MYXOMATOSIS – the highly infectious viral disease which almost wiped out the European rabbit population, but affected no other species.

Another claim was that it was impossible to create the AIDS virus in a laboratory –  more rubbish. (In the next breath they genuinely claim that AIDS (HIV 1) is not of animal origin!) – So where DID it come from? Outer space…?

Less than a month - and several female employees – later, I’d found out some very interesting facts: Firstly: Despite renouncing chemical and biological warfare in the early 1950s, the USA kept pouring covert millions of dollars via the CIA into continuing experimenting into producing weapons of both types.

Your eyes may be opened if you enquire into the “Tuskegee syphilis experiments” on those in prison. They may be further opened if you check on the US Government experiments on 7th Day Adventist soldiers, or you could look up “serratia marcescens” bacteria, and its use by the US Military in and around San Francisco. These are merely instances I found out about immediately. Many more experiments have been/are being perpetrated on thousands of  American military, and civilian men, women, and child victims by their Government. A few have already surfaced under the ‘Freedom of Information Act’.

The straight fact is that it was Russian scientists who engineered the virus – BUT IN THE USA. Without getting technical, this was achieved by a genetically engineered combination of an animal ‘retrovirus’ within a human ‘HeLA’ cell.

So what were Russian boffins doing in the USA? There lies another enigma!

China and Russia had been trying to infiltrate the Top Secret US experimental establishments (over 100 of them) for over twenty years. Britain did have agents in seven establishments, and Russia had installed one agent – WOLF SZMUNESS – more of him later, but we need to visit a certain Mr. RICHARD NIXON first.

Nixon was rapidly helped up the political ladder by being a member of the ‘Un-American Activities Committee’. In view of his later actions I wondered if this was a deliberate ploy to hide his true feelings! The same applies to his alleged ‘rows’ with his Russian counterpart Khrushchev. Were these too just a smokescreen? Whatever, out of the blue he invited Russian and Chinese boffins to not only VIEW, but also WORK in some of those top-secret establishments! The Reds and Yellows could not believe their luck - but jumped in with both feet. (It is an ABSOLUTE FACT that at the time of my jaunt there were more Russians and Chinese employed at the top secret facility at Ft. Detrick. than Americans!)

Right. We now know who developed AIDS. We know where it was developed. We can take it for granted as to why it was developed. That leaves the questions: How was it spread so rapidly throughout a large section of Africa and America. Why not Russia, Europe and China?

The answer to that lies in politics: despite its ties with Europe via NATO etc., the USA was/is as popular outside its own boundaries as a Colorado beetle. Countries one would consider as overtly enemies, covertly are happy to put their differences on hold against a greater threat (The USA). So how was it spread? – Dead simple to answer that.

This is the point where we introduce the WHO (World Health Organisation).

At this time, the WHO decided to embark on the smallpox vaccination program, concentrating on Africa, South America (Particularly Brazil), and Haiti. A quick check will reveal that the HIV 1 epidemic coincides both chronologically and geographically with that vaccination program.

The AIDS virus was covertly incorporated within the vaccine – hence the rapid spread.

How was this possible? – A reasonable question to ask. Again it is quite simply answered: The Russians ran the World Health Organisation. (Check it out - Start with BYSENCHO, and Dr. SERGEI LITVINOV).

Not long into the ‘Cold War’ the Soviets realised they could not compete with the USA – they simply had not got the finances. They opted for other tactics – albeit initially long-term ones. Their first venture into that field was with the SALK and SABIN polio vaccines. Their agent boffins laced both the oral and injected vaccines with SV – 40. (It has a twenty-year incubation period similar to the ‘Mad Cow’ virus BSE). It mainly produces brain tumours and leukaemia - and millions of Americans flocked to get it. You probably know some of the results, and can check the later sudden rise in incidents of brain tumours and leukaemia among those vaccinated at the time.

Back to AIDS: Okay, the infected smallpox vaccinations explain the spread in Africa/South America/Haiti, but how did it spread so rapidly in the US mainland? Enter WOLF SZMUNESS, the planted Russian agent I mentioned - that us Brits were fully aware of. (Check him out.)

America welcomed him with open arms. He started off as a laboratory technician without any US qualifications, and some five years later was at the COLUMBIA MEDICAL SCHOOL as PROFESSOR OF EPIDEMIOLOGY!  (His Russian brief was to “Instigate biological warfare against the USA”).

The U.S. Centre for Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health, both supported and financed his Hepatitis – B vaccine experimental program. He rounded up as many promiscuous homosexuals as he could to take part in his ‘experiment’. He started in New York, and progressed to most other US major cities.

Because of the number of willing Gay participants, it took less than ten years to have thousands already dead, and several million others infected. (The Hepatitis – B vaccine used was – of course – laced with AIDS).

But – you say - RUSSIA had an epidemic of AIDS on just as large a scale as the USA – More rubbish. It never did have. Russia has ever been good at propaganda – and Americans have been brought up for years by the CIA owned media to accept most anything fed to them. They receive it trustingly - in innocence and ignorance. Dr. ZHORES MEDVEDEV and his cohorts were given the mandate to spread the rumour that AIDS was ravaging the Soviet Union. They were obviously very successful.

Sure, there are hundreds of cases in the UK and rest of Europe – mostly donated by travelling infected US Military and other American visitors. That will always be a problem where there are sex-hungry guys with plenty of dollars, pursuing willing females, or engaging in frolics with the indigenous youths….

There are trillions of possible combinations of the 9,000 pairs of the HIV – 1 genome. They are ever mutating. To ever develop a vaccine to cover these constantly changing variants is about 10,000 times less likely than finding one for the common cold. We will not see any quick end to AIDS – but AIDS may, in mutated forms see off the majority of humanity.

But who are REALLY behind all this… are you ready to accept the truth yet………………………..?

All facts are verifiable. Editors willing, my next extract explains why almost 300,000,000 US citizens are hated worldwide because of the actions of a few dozen power-and-dollar-hungry megalomaniacs controlling Government, CIA and Armed Forces, and using them to carry out the wishes of a handful of US based multi-national business empires.


The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) – a non-CIA owned media - is the source of the following:

March 20, 2002 | 01:34 AM ET

“British Suggest Anthrax Attacks Were CIA Backed.

A British news program is suggesting that the anthrax attacks on American soil since September 11th may be the product of a government-sanctioned experiment…..

A ‘Newsnight’ investigation suggests that there may have been a secret CIA project intended to investigate the methods of sending anthrax through the mail…”

September 11th, 2001 report: “Shocked and horrified Americans struggled to cope with the tragedy whilst waiting for the other boot to drop. They did not have long to wait: Still reeling from the knowledge that our cities are no longer safe havens, people across the country suddenly had to grapple with the sanctity of their homes being violated by anthrax…..”

“At first, the investigation focused mostly on the probability that some Middle Eastern influence was at work. When that didn't pan out, attention shifted… to the horrifying possibility that the mastermind behind the anthrax attacks was someone on the inside of the very industry that was supposed to be protecting us…”

“…Strangely, the investigation seems to have gone mostly underground…. all roads seem to lead to Fort Detrick…”

One thing being a covert agent taught me is HOW LITTLE average Westerners know – or care - about the corruption in their own society. We live in a “Sod the rest, I’m alright Jack” community.

Over TEN MILLION CHILDREN die of starvation EVERY YEAR in Africa alone – mostly as a result of US overseas polices and restrictive trade practices to keep its own citizens in relative luxury.

Truth is oft stranger than fiction, and harder to accept.

Fanon:  I wrote my autobiography in two parts: "Ride The Donkey" (Birth to eighteen) and "Blowjob" (Life as a COP). The title 'Blowjob' is the term used if the assignment was to 'take out' a particular enemy. (It's also a term for 'whistle-blowing.') They are written as 'FACTION' (Fact/Fiction), to protect innocents and honour 'Official Secrets Acts." Both are raw truth and shocking. "Blowjob" reveals the true violence perpetrated by 'Special Forces' of several Countries. They include explicit sexual and torture incidents and assassination, so are not suitable for other than a very adult readership.  Read more about Fanon's amazing life along with his interview for LSS.